As a history major in college, I “earned” credits one summer by reading a bag full of books on the history of America’s Revolution. The books dealt with the forces that made it happen. They were somewhat interesting, and it made sense to me. I wrote reviews of each book, reporting on what they said.
As it turns out, I wasn’t supposed to merely report what the authors had written. I was to critically engage with their arguments, and to counter their theories with a Christian view of history. Because, we have very different views of “what makes the world go ‘round.”
The books that I read were from the school of thought called “economic determinism.” It would have helped me if they had actually said so in the preface. It would also have helped if I had my brain turned on. Economic determinism says that the happenings of history can be traced to economic forces at work in society. It seems to say, “Money makes the world go ‘round,” or, perhaps better, “Lack of money makes the world to ‘round.” Another word for economic determinism might be Marxism. And I missed it.
There are other non-Christian, non-Biblical theories of what makes the world go ‘round. One would be mere chance. No rhyme or reason, just dumb luck. Another would be great men (and women). We need more champions. Of course, now we tear down their statues. There’s not much of a future for heroes. But what does the Bible say? I can think of no better place to start than Daniel.
Daniel, a young man, was deported from Judea when it was in the throes of defeat at the hands of the Babylonians. Nebuchadnezzar, the Babylonian king, assembles those who were most promising to serve his empire, and Daniel was one of these. “But Daniel resolved that he would defile himself with the king’s food.” Is this the answer? The resolve of Christians to stand firm against the worldliness of the world? No, that would be missing the larger story.
The bigger picture is what God is doing behind the scenes, shaping history for His own purposes. Daniel 1:2 says that “the Lord gave Jehoiakim king of Judah into his (Neb’s) hand.” A little later, in relation to Daniel’s request, we find that “God gave Daniel favor and compassion in the sight of the chief of the eunuchs.” In no way do I want to diminish the importance of resolve. But resolve does not make the world go ‘round, nor does money. God does. Praise the Lord!