You Can’t Cure ‘Stupid’
Sunday, June 27, 2021
I have a friend who says this often: “You can’t cure stupid.” He worked in a field where he was in regular contact with people who did dumb (and illegal) things, and this maxim was supported time and again. I think he’s right. I think the Bible agrees.
I’ve been studying in Jeremiah, and one of the key themes is “repentance.” “Repentance” means “turning,” and so it can refer to turning to God, but it can also refer to turning away from God. The turnings multiply, and it proves the line from “Come, Thou Fount,” where it says, “Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it; Prone to leave the God I love.” We have a pronation problem, a turning problem, and, we can’t cure this ourselves.
In fact, there are no natural solutions to our stupidity problems, or our wandering problems, or stubbornness (could we say, “you can’t cure stubborn”?). The health store doesn’t sell a product that cures arrogance; the hospital can’t surgically remove a nasty attitude; mental health providers won’t make you thoughtful and aware. They might help. They cannot heal our deepest problems.
Gilead, across the Jordan river to the east, was a source of balm, a medicine (probably from the word balsam, as in balsamic). God says to the world, “Go up to Gilead and seek balm.. You search out remedies in vain, for (but) your disease is incurable” (Jer 46:11 CEB). You can’t cure stupid, nor will you find in a destination like Gilead anything that comes close to healing the sickness of the soul.
But, there is a God who heals. We cannot fix ourselves, but He has promised healing. He does it in surprising ways, with surprising people (think Naaman, the Syrian general, the enemy of Israel). He cures the incurable. He raises the dead. Listen to these verses:
Jer. 30:17 ‘For I will restore you to health And I will heal you of your wounds,’ declares the LORD,
Jer. 33:6 ‘Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them; and I will reveal to them an abundance of peace and truth.
Perhaps you have found yourself to be incurable. You’ve tried every remedy that you could find in the self-help sources, and they have all failed. You keep doing the same stupid thing, or experiencing the same chronic condition, over and over. And still, there remains that weeping wound of whatever sort, and you are ready to give up. My friend is right, you can’t cure stupid, but God can, and will.