Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Eating Spiritually

We have already read about our need to breathe spiritually (On the Same Page). When we gather together, it is most often for our spiritual feeding.

I have been thinking and praying hard about how to properly feed people. To change metaphors, if the Bible is the sword of the Spirit (Eph 6), then I think we do a lot of sword waving. But a sword is not for waving; it is for cutting. We must get better at making application, so that the Word of God actually shapes our lives (by cutting) and causes growth (by digesting).

I think we tend to teach the Bible as though it is for old believers – for people who have heard it all before. We need to teach the Bible to new believers, as though we are hearing it for the very first time. I think you will notice significant change with regard to this on the coming Sundays.

If our worship and teaching gatherings are times of eating spiritually, then we all need to eat, to chew, and to swallow. It’s not much fun to come and watch one person consume what he has prepared. I want to watch you enjoy what teachers have prepared. Come hungry. Come ready to feast on God’s Word. You also have some preparation duties.

If we are going to eat spiritually together, then we shouldn’t be all spread out. You don’t take the cook’s food and go eat it in another room. We need worship that connects – that connects us to God’s Word, and to one another. I would love to rearrange this room. But until we are able, come forward. Sit close. We’re all in this together.

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