Thursday, May 16, 2019

We Are More than Animals

I listened recently to an interview of an unsavory talk show host who has pushed beyond the limits of decency over the years, but who now has had a bit of a change, credited to therapy. He is not at all apologetic about his past transgressions, because, after all, we are all just animals. And, even after his therapeutic enlightenment, still seems to think it is all about him.

He does not accept the Biblical record of creation. I don’t know what he accepts. But man and woman created in the image of God is not part of his framework. Those of us who accept the Bible as giving the framework of reality freely admit that the God who created the heavens and the earth did so according to a certain order, and that both beasts and humans were created on Day 6, and that both are called “living souls” (translated here as “living creatures” (Gen 1:20,24,30; 2:7,19). And yet there are key differences. I’d like to start with the one that the person interviewed missed.

Animals behave in a certain way. They follow their instincts. They can be hardworking, fun-loving, social, and yes, sexual. There is a lot of variety, and we can find it fascinating. But as we study the different animals’ patterns, we find that they actually follow their patterns. Humans, not so much. Animals, unlike us, don’t emphasize one part of their existence to the point of neglecting the other. They don’t get addicted to one pursuit. Animals don’t drink or take drugs to deal with the stress. They don’t join a 12-step group to create a healthier dependency. They don’t do therapy. And they don’t think it is all about them. This man does not act like an animal. Sadly, however, he acts like less.

The soul of man was designed by God so that we could relate to God. Apart from God, we don’t just act like animals. We act like less. We become imbalanced wrecks; miserable messes. But in relation to God – a relationship freely given through faith in Jesus who loved us and died for us – in relation to God, we are so much more than animals. We pray and we forgive; we sing and we create; we worship and we serve. Animals may do a little of a couple of those things, but we are more than animals.

The statement that we are all just animals is a disservice to animals. But worse, it is a slam against God, who created us to be so much more, to reflect something of Him in this world that He Himself designed and made.

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