Tuesday, November 12, 2019

(1:1) First Things - “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”

First Things: Devotions in Mark’s Gospel

(1:1) First Things - “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.”

When Mark says, “The Beginning,” he means that this is the First Thing; the Most Important Thing. And so here we begin. Is this the First Thing in my life, and in your life?

There are many things that are important in your life: where you were born; when you were born; what happened or didn’t happen to you after you were born. Mark says that none of these things are the First Thing. The First Thing is, Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Jesus is His earthly name. The eternal Son of God was not named Jesus until He was born of Mary as a baby. He was named Jesus, according to the angel’s instruction, and He will forevermore be known as Jesus. But He was not known as Jesus before then. So, have you come to know this Jesus who was born into this world, and is He your First Thing?

Christ is His office. He is the Messiah, the Anointed One, Appointed to do what no other man could do. And He does what no other man could do because He is not a mere man. He is also God, the eternal Son of God. But as Messiah, or Christ, He is the pivot point of all history, the fulcrum, the crux, the intersection. He is the One who is the key to your life and identity, and therefore, He must be your First Thing.

He is the eternal Son of God. He always was, and always will be. Our Triune God is One God, yet three Persons, always in fellowship, never in competition, accomplishing One Will and purpose, having different roles. He was and is involved in creation, and He was and is involved in redemption. He is the One, the only One, who can introduce you to the Father, and so He deserves to be, and must be, your First Thing.

We tend to treat Jesus like a charm on a bracelet. The bracelet is populated by any number of precious and sentimental things. And Jesus, or maybe His cross, is one of the above. Not the First Thing, but one of many things. Mark says this is wrong. If Jesus is to be Savior, your Savior, then He must be your First Thing. This is not like investing. When it comes to Saviors, you don’t diversify so that you only lose a little. It’s all or nothing, First Thing or No-thing. 

If Jesus is Your First Thing, then your looks are not; your popularity is not; your successes are not, and neither are your failures; your skin color is not, nor is how you like to think of yourself. Your nationality or politics is not your First Thing. It can’t be, if Jesus is your First Thing. 

And so if you and I are ready to agree with Mark in what he says right here in God’s Word, that Jesus Christ the Son of God is the First Thing, the Most Important Thing, then let’s agree together that none of these other things will act as rivals in our hearts, minds, words, or actions to Jesus, my First Thing.

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