Thinking in 3’s: Luke 11:9-10 - Ask, Seek, Knock (1)
Luke 11:9 “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 10 “For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, it will be opened.
These are familiar verses. They are more practical than theoretical, but let’s try to make them even more practical.
What is involved in asking?
- Something desired worth asking for
- Access to the One worth asking
- Willingness to be a supplicant
What should I ask for? Is there anything in my heart that I cannot already accomplish myself? Have I been still enough, though enough, to be able to frame a request as it should be? We tend not to be very good at this. The Holy Spirit has this specific ministry, of helping us to pray when we don’t know what to say. Be quiet, and ask, for what should I ask.
Do you have access to God who alone can answer our requests? Access is available through faith in Christ. That is foundational. But it is not the end of the question. Are we living in relationship with God in such a way that there is ready communication between you and Him? Is there an obstacle, an offense that must be addressed and cleared to open fellowship with Him? This may require a re-ordering of attitudes, behaviors, and priorities. When we are estranged from God, access is hindered.
Am I too self-sufficient to ask? Am I too proud to ask? Have I adopted the attitude that God, who knows all, should know what I need or want without me having to tell Him. All of these are an indication of an un-willingness to be a supplicant, an ask-er.
We do these things because God has ordained that we should do them. This is the system that He has established. He wants us to be personally involved, and to be asking, seeking, and knocking. The promise is sure to those who obey. The promise is not promised to those who refuse to obey.
So what is involved in asking? Actually asking. Think about it. Write it out, and submit it to some examination. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide and correct. Remind yourself of the greatness, and grace of God; His majesty and mercy. Examine your life and attitude. Think about your walk with God. Draw close to Him. Humble yourself before Him, and ask.
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