God engineered the first creation. He designed it, and created it. As we know, Adam and Eve sinned, and so the whole creation bears the brunt of the curse. Therefore, everything in this world is more or less “bent” or “twisted.” Instead of living our lives in love of God and others, we find ourselves to be turned in on our own selves.
But thankfully, Scripture indicates that God is not done with us yet. There will be a new heavens and new earth. One description of this re-engineered world is found in Ezekiel 47, where three amazing evidences of a brand new world that operates according to different patterns are revealed.
First we have a stream of water that proceeds from the Temple of God. It must be good water, life-giving water. And yet, at first, we find that “the water was trickling out on the south side.” Just a trickle (v.2). Will it run dry. Ezekiel is led through the water, barely wetting the bottoms of his sandals, but as he goes further, it becomes ankle-deep. The water is now soaking his socks. In verse 4, it is knee-deep, and then waist-deep. In verse 5, it is deep enough to swim in.
This is not how flowing water works. As it flows, it dissipates. But according to God’s re-engineering, it grows richer, deeper, fuller.
Secondly, we find water the flows through the desert and toward the sea. Surprisingly, “when the water flows into the sea, the water will become fresh” (v. 8). Again, that’s now how it works. When fresh waters flows to the salt-water sea in our world, it becomes salty as well. This is like the one good apple turning the rotten apples good again. What a God-enchanted world!
Finally, we find on the banks of the river of this stream that flows ever deeper from the Temple of God to the sea, refreshing and reclaiming as it goes - we find “all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they all bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food and the leaves for healing” (verse 12). Again, we are familiar with seasonal cycles of plants. God has His own blessed ideas.
Is it little wonder then that humanity would say, “Give me this water” (John 4:15). To have this world re-engineered; to have our lives re-engineered - that will be glory.
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