Thursday, January 14, 2021

OverLords and Underlings

Mankind is to “rule” creation. Creation is not to rule mankind. This “rule” is to be representative of God’s rule, since He was, and is, and always will be the ultimate Maker and Ruler of all of creation. Our rule should be reflective of His character and priorities, honoring such things as righteousness and justice; things like compassion and mercy.

But the point of this article is the one already made, that whatever authority we have to rule, it is always an under-authority.

The kings of Israel were called “sons of God” in that they, in a special way, were anointed to represent and rule God’s people as God would. They ruled best when they remembered this fact, and they ruled oh-so-poorly when they forgot. There were always, at most, under-kings. Not super-kings. Under-kings.

It is not unusual to hear humans talk about their creativity. We were created with an aptitude for creativity, (some more than others) whether the benefits would be practical or aesthetic. You might hear someone say, “Oh, you are so creative.” But our creativity is always derived. We are at best manipulators of God’s creation. We certainly don’t create ex nihilo, out of nothing, as the Great Creator does. Those creatives around us that we admire, they are under-creators. It’s not bad. It’s not nothing. But there is a difference.

We are often impressed by athletes: their strength, coordination, discipline, and commitment. We marvel at their physiques and their mental toughness. And we can aspire to these things (though, face it, most of us are rather ordinary). But we should be careful in making heroes of these individuals. It is not wrong to celebrate their accomplishments, and to admire their dedication. But God gives to each person gifts and aptitudes, as He wills and wishes, and many of us were not cut out to run fast or jump high. But the strongest, fastest and toughest should remember that God is stronger, faster, and tougher.

Perhaps the best Biblical statement on this subject is from Jesus Himself: “you know that the Gentiles are over-lords; .. “not so you.” .. “For the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” (Mark 10:42-45)

So even when we serve, and serve well, we are but under-servants. We are only able to serve because He first served us.

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