Monday, August 05, 2024

What is a “Good” Christian?

What is a “Good” Christian?

Recent news accounts quoted a person describing a particular Jewish man in less than favorable terms. It was explained, at least in part, why this person deserved this description, and I wondered how it would go if a Christian were described in the same way, a *** Christian. It would be difficult for me to write about this in particular, since it would require me to use a word that my grandkids are not allowed to say, and it seems the prohibition applies to grandpa as well.

So how do I write about this? I began thinking about what it meant to be a “good” Jew. I suppose that, since the definition of “Jew” is broad, there would be differing opinions about what “good.” But that would apply to “Christian” as well - what is a “good” Christian?” since the definition of Christian has been used by different groups with different ideas: conservative vs. liberal; Biblical vs. cultural; devout vs. casual. Is it possible that some of these people who use the word “Christian” are not “good enough” to be Christian at all?

So what is a “good” Christian? In some churches, faithful attendance would be a marker. In other churches, hefty giving counts for goodness. It can span from strong leadership to humble service. “Good” is a very flexible word. 

In all of these measures (and more), we could always be better. “Better” is a comparative form of “good,” and my good and yours could always be better. So one of our problems in defining a “good” Christian is realizing that we could always do better, which means what we are doing now is less than better, or not so good.

Let’s get to the punch line: the question, “what is a ‘good’ Christian,” is the wrong question, because the way we have framed it answers with regard to self. How can I be good? How can I be good enough? And the Gospel answer is, “You can’t.” The issue is not, “are you a good Christian,” but this: “Do you have a good Christ?” This is because our salvation is not rooted in ourselves or our best efforts, but in what Jesus did for us. Let me say it more forcefully. If one calls himself a Christian, a “good” Christian, but does not hold to a good Christ, then he defies what it means to be a

Now, what is a “good” Christ? These terms are more easily defined. There is only one Christ, and it is the One who has been anointed and appointed by God to be the Savior of the world, Jesus. Since He is one of a kind and defines His own category, He cannot be compared, that is, He is incomparable. He is “good” in that He is perfectly holy, just like the heavenly Father. They agree completely in word and deed. There is no separation between them, and there are no failures.

Jesus is also “good” in that He qualified Himself to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins through His perfect obedience throughout His life. In spite of the fact that He grew up in a home with sinners - think of that - sinful brothers, He Himself never sinned. Further, He willingly gave Himself up to be crucified for us, that He might, though not a sinner, be put to death for our sins. As vindication of His suffering and sacrifice, He was raised from the dead, and now gives eternal life to those who believe in Him, that is, those who find Him to be supremely good. These people are called “Christians,” and they need no adjectives before their names.

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